Thursday, April 4, 2013

Epitaph: The Darksiders Final Issue! On Sale Now!

Epitaph: The Darksiders #3 is finally out. The first Epitaph mini series is finished and waiting for you! You want to get it, then click the image or click the "Get Comics Now" link for it. Now it's been out in digital format for a few days now, but we didn't want to say too much about it until the hardcopy was ready to go, but here it is!

This issue take place directly after the events of issue #2. Owl forces Loren to leave the city, and reveals to Loren she has been given the authority to kill her if she doesn't come peacefully, of course Loren runs, but her escape sets the stage for a tragic chain of events.

And Nightevil finds out a secret about Damious that could destroy everything the Sisterhood has planned if it gets out. And Zombie Girl makes an appearance as she stumbles upon a "client" beating one of the girls and robbing her, but our dead sexy hungry hooker plans to make sure he won't do it again. This last issue will open the door for the ongoing series, so you're going to want to check it out.

If you haven't been keeping up with the series, this is the best time get into it. All three issues are out, not to mention "Epitaph: Beginning of the End" and "Abiding Lilith", and you can get them digitally or in hard copy.

Now that we've finally entered the digital market, I can say personally that it's incredible. You up load the book and in twelve hours it's ready for the fans, versus the ten day wait with the hardcopies. But either way, whether you prefer paper or digital, we have it here for you so get them now!

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